How to clean your washing machine with citric acid

How to Clean Your Washing Machine with Citric Acid: Effective, Eco-Friendly, and Affordable Way

How to Remove Bad Odors from Your Washing Machine?

How to remove bad smell form washing machine and clean your washing machine with citric acid

Have you ever opened your washing machine and been greeted by an unpleasant smell? Or have you noticed that your clothes don’t seem as clean as they used to be? The cause might be limescale and bacterial growth in your machine. Fortunately, there’s a simple, affordable, and eco-friendly solution: cleaning your washing machine with citric acid!

Firstly, citric acid is a safe and effective choice for almost all washing machines. Its gentle composition ensures that your machine stays in good condition for a long time.

Secondly, citric acid is an excellent, eco-friendly, and antibacterial option that effectively neutralizes unpleasant odors. Regular cleaning removes bacteria and other microorganisms that cause smells.

Citric Acid Cleaning for Your Washing Machine

How to clean your washing machine with citric acid

Before you start to clean your washing machine with citric acid, it’s important to know the correct dosage. Use 50-100 grams of citric acid, depending on the size of your washing machine and the amount of limescale. This simple step ensures that your machine is efficiently cleaned without extra hassle.

Administering Citric Acid in the Washing Machine

Using citric acid is surprisingly easy. Pour it into the main wash (“II”) compartment of the machine and run an empty wash on a hot 95°C programme. This process removes limescale and other impurities, leaving your machine clean and fresh.

Similarly, you can also wash on the hottest programme in the machine, as not all washing machines have a 95 degree programme.

Rinsing: The Final Touch

How to clean your washing machine with citric acid

After using citric acid, don’t forget to rinse. Wash the machine again on a 95-degree program using powdered or liquid detergent to ensure that all the detached dirt and residue are removed. This step is crucial for the long-term cleanliness of your machine.

On the other hand, this may sound like overkill, and the step could also be performed with a 40-60 degree (Celsius) program.

Clean Your Washing Machine With Citric Acid Brief Instructions:

  1. Dosage: Use 50-100 grams (0.65-1.3 dl) of citric acid, depending on the size of the machine and the amount of limescale.
  2. Usage: Pour the citric acid into the detergent compartment and run the machine empty on a hot 95-°C wash program.
  3. Rinsing: Immediately wash the machine again using the 40-95 °C program with powdered or liquid detergent to remove any loosened residue.

In Conclusion

How to clean your washing machine with citric acid

Cleaning your washing machine with citric acid is an effective way to maintain its good condition. It not only removes odors and dirt but also extends the lifespan of your machine. Try this simple and surprising solution – you might be amazed by the results! Here’s a link to our conveniently packaged 750g of Citric acid powder.

Huolto Vuorio Citric Acid Powder 750g


Huolto Vuorio Citric Acid Powder 750g is a versatile and eco-friendly cleaning solution for household appliances. Ideal for descaling and maintenance, it’s also great for rust removal, iron cleaning, and even cooking. Discover practical tips in our blog and instructional videos.

Learn more about the product

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